(65) 8754 4589 admin@yogasingapore.net

Kids Yoga Held at Public Library

During this summer at the Livingston Public Library in the United States, Betty Larrea, a certified children’s yoga instructor, started the first ever annual Kids’ Yoga program. This program attracted an average of twenty children per session. The four-week...

Real Men Do Yoga

When you walk into a yoga class, most of the time the majority of the students would be female. This brings about the common misconception that yoga is feminine. There are men out there who are concern about giving yoga a shot as they do not want to be associated with...

Yoga Tips to Maximise Results

If you have been doing yoga on a regular basis, but realise that it is not doing much good for you, then chances are that you are actually doing something incorrectly. If you are unable to feel the de-stressing effect, improvements in your flexibility or any weight...

Yoga For Kids Could Assist With Physical and Mental Health

There are millions of individuals out there who take the practice of yoga as a form of relaxation or to simply maintain their fitness. In fact, there are many yogis who are not even aware of the full benefits that yoga has to offer them. Throughout the years, there...

Five Myths About Yoga

When it comes to yoga, the benefits one can obtained from it is pretty endless. It has the ability to relief stress and anxiety. It can help soothe headaches. Some even believe that it can even make you smarter. Despite all these benefits, first-timers can sometimes...