Digestion problems exist in many individuals of all ages and health conditions. Some of the more common problems include constipation and lactose intolerance. There are also many other digestive problems, some even more serious than the two mentioned. Although medication would definitely help to relief the pain and solve most of the problems, yoga would definitely be a more natural solution to such problems.

The truth is that in yoga, most asanas are helpful for digestive problems. However, for inflammatory conditions such as ulcer or any other perforated condition of the digestive tract, you may want to avoid practicing yoga. The best style to soothe the stomach when you are suffering from a digestive problems would be none other than Gentle Yoga. For those poses that apply pressure on your abdomen, extra care must be taken to ensure that one does not press down into them. Instead, one should learn to hold the poses lightly.
Aside from asanas, you can also incorporate soothing pranayama practices such as seethali (cooling breath) and the alternate nostril breathing (anulom vilom). These techniques are extremely helpful in aiding with digestion. Nonetheless, the most soothing practice in yoga for healing digestive problems including inflammatory conditions is still the passive practice of meditation. Just ten minutes of meditation, laying on your back in the corpse pose (shavasana) or laying in the prone position of the crocodile pose (makarasana) will be the best therapy.
In yoga, apart from actual incidents of food poisoning, most other ailments are tracked to psychosomatic causes or lifestyle mismanagement. Some other tips to help prevent digestive problems from occurring and to maintain a healthy gut include having a regular meal schedule, allowing ample gap between eating and exercising/or sleeping, waking up early in the morning as well as having an early dinner.
The image above shows four poses that are ideal for a better digestion. The top left pose is known as the dynamic spinal twist, where it tones and creates a soothing squeezing effect at the abdomen. To the right of it is known as the child or hare pose. This posture helps to sooth the digestive tract as well as control diabetes and acidity. The bottom left position is known as the one legged lying energy release pose and it has the same benefits as the dynamic spinal twist. Lastly, the boat-rowing pose also share similar benefits with the dynamic spinal twist. For more information, do check it out here.
If you are looking for Yoga Classes in Singapore, feel free to check out OMG Yoga. For our Private Yoga Classes, our instructors will be able to cater towards your needs. Hence, if you are looking to improve on your digestion, just inform them of it and they can come up with the necessary poses for you.