Most of you who practices yoga would have heard of and/or done the pigeon pose before. This pose is commonly practiced due to the advantages that it brings about. Just by holding the pose for several breaths, you will be able to release some of the tension and tightness built around in your hip area. In fact, this is a perfect pose for runners.
Let’s start with the half pigeon pose. Firstly, you will have to start from your hands and knees. Tuck in your toes, lift your hips up towards the sky and press your thighs towards the wall behind you. Pedal your feet a few times, bending and straightening opposite legs. Reach your right leg up to the sky and bend your knee so that it points towards the sky. Sweep the leg forward, bringing the right foot towards the left hand. Slowly lower your right shin parallel to the top of your mat. You might not be able to get it parallel initially, but through regular practice, you’ll eventually get there. After that, reach the left toes toward the back of your mat. Always try to get your hips even. When you inhale, lift up your chest and draw your upper arm bones back. During exhales, fold over your right shin slowly. Stay in this position for 5 to 12 breaths before alternating to the other side.

Next is the double pigeon pose. This will start off with you in a sitting position. Firstly, bring your right shin parallel to the top of your mat. Then, draw your left ankle across the top of your right knee. Eventually your foot should move past the knee. Take both hands to either side of your hips and press them down onto the floor. Lift up the hips and swing the pelvis forward and back. Once your tailbone is about to reach the wall behind you, lower yourself back to the mat. Maintain both feet flexed and place your hands on the soles of the feet. Draw your navel towards your spine and reach up through the top of your head. Always remember to keep the spine extended as you fold. Hold this position for 5 breaths before switching to your other side.

For more in-depth instructions and other variations, do check them out here. If you are looking for an instructor to guide you in the pigeon pose or any other yoga poses, check out OMG Yoga. We offer private classes at the comfort of your own home! Do check out our website for more details.